
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Umbrellas and Fans - A Mark's Finest Papers, A Heinrich Company Blog Hop

It's time to check out some more new Mark's Finest Papers sets. This image comes from a set called Umbrellas and Fans. My card today is featured on the Mark's Finest Paper blog and that is where you will find the rest of the links for today's blog hop. Just recently, I spent an entire day paper crafting with my cousin and had to make do with what I could pack in the back of my car.  I have an entire craft room and it was just not possible to bring the whole room.  I whittled down my supplies to one under the bed plastic tub and two large tote bags.  Still, I didn't have matching card stock when I went to work on this card.  So I used the same coral and gray Copic Markers that I used on my umbrella to edge a couple of white mats which matched.  Believe it or not, this card is made with all white card stock!
Thanks for stopping by!
Details - Stamps: Umbrellas and Fans(MFP); Paper: Neenah Solar Crest White, unknown dp; Ink: Tuxedo Black; Accessories: Square Lattice embossing folder, Copic Markers, stmapin' dimensionals.


  1. Love the elegant look you have created - might be all white cardstock but the colours are very pretty together.

  2. Very pretty, I love the yellow umbrella.
